and setup begins at 4:30
Shooters' meeting at 5:40 PM; Arrivals after 5:40 do not shoot.
Two classes: Handgun and Pistol Caliber Carbine
.380 Auto minimum cartridge power.
There will be a mix of paper and steel targets, and 50 hits required.
(So bring at least 100 rounds!).
Expect one stage to be in low light; Flashlight recommended.
Please bring plenty of water for yourself, and some extra in case a friend runs dry.
The shooter must employ the same firearm for all stages of the match.
Holster retention will be tested at match director discretion.
Thumb breaks or retention straps must be used, if so equipped.
Safety: As always, safety will be the
top concern during this match. The range will be run as a COLD range!
No loaded firearms anywhere at the range, except at the firing line,
and only under the direction of range officials! Firearms must remain
holstered at all times except under the specific and explicit direction
of a range officer. The range officer(s) will give directions to load,
unload, lock open, and holster during each shooting cycle. Please read
the PP safety rules and
range command sequence posted on the
HSC web site. Adults only, please!
Juniors may shoot only with prior review and approval of the match director. Juniors must
arrive by 5:00pm prepared to demonstrate proficiency and safe handling of firearms.