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What Added/Updated
.22 Magnum may be used in the .22 Combo Silhouette match.
July 20, 2024
Results: Combo Silhouette Shoot #2
July 20, 2024
300 Yard CF Rifle Match event announcement
July 15, 2024
Results: CF Pistol Silhouette Shoot
July 13, 2024
Posted Dan's story, "Another Short Fishing Trip to the Rim".
July 9, 2024
.22 Combo Silhouette Shoot event announcement
July 7, 2024
Combo Silhouette Shoot #2 event announcement
July 5, 2024
Posted Gerhard's story, "Did My Chrony Eat Mushrooms?".
July 3, 2024
Results: .22 Pistol Silhouette Shoot #2
June 29, 2024
Results: Military Rifle Match #2
June 15, 2024
CF Pistol Silhouette Shoot event announcement
June 4, 2024
Results: Combo Silhouette Shoot #1
June 1, 2024

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