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Honeywell Sportsman Club

Varmint Rifle Fun Shoot

Saturday, Morning, March 1st

at the New River 1 desert shooting spot

Some targets will be potatoes at appx. 160 yds, simulating prairie rats. All others
will be reactive steel, at various distances between appx. 80 and at least 850 yds.

For targets out to 250 yds, ONLY a rifle with caliber of up to .224” dia is allowed.

There will be two targets at less than 100 yds requiring offhand shooting, and one target
at no more than 250 yds to be fired at off a tripod. The rest will be shot at off benches.

For all targets beyond 250 yds the allowed maximum caliber is 7mm Rem Mag.

All projectiles must be either hollow point, soft point, or tipped with plastic or aluminum.
No FMJ and for sure no tracers are allowed.

Shooters will assemble into groups. In each group only one shooter will fire at a time,
and each shot will be scored.

Targets out to 250 yds will require no more than 16 shots, the rest no more than 33 shots.

Also bring eye and ear protection and binoculars; and a spotting scope if you have one.
Chair, shade and refreshments are your option.

Be there by 7:30 AM. We will try to be done by 11:30 AM.

Club members who have a bench with left-and right shooting position, please bring them. Also those (white) tables. It will be appreciated if some of you come out earlier to help set up.

$5 Entry Fee.
Guests are welcome to participate

but must be keen enough to locate targets in their scopes rather quickly.

Bring your own refreshments.

Directions to New River 1: Exit I-17 at the New River Road Exit. Go southwest on New River Road for .3 miles. Turn right (north). After .1 miles, road will turn to the northwest and soon turn to dirt. Follow dirt road until it hits the pipeline road .5 miles after the northwest turn. Turn right on the pipeline road and follow it to the northeast for about 1 mile. Look for an abandoned white cement culvert box on the left side. Turn left at GPS coordinates N33 55.689' W112 08.933'. Follow jeep track north, then west for .55 miles to GPS coordinates N33 55.736' W112 09.180'. A high clearance vehicle will be required.

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