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Honeywell Sportsman Club

CF Rifle Silhouette Shoot

Saturday Afternoon, October 12th
at the
Ben Avery Frank DeSomma Range (Rifle Silhouette)

Practice Starts at 3:00 PM
Practice on silhouette animals must be standing (offhand)
No rested practice!
(Only gongs/swingers may be fired on from the bench)

Match Starts Promptly at 3:30 PM

There will be two classes - Iron-sighted rifles versus scoped rifles.
Iron-sighters will be allowed to shoot from any field position,
using field supports.
Scoped rifles must shoot from the standing position.
No slings, no shooting jackets allowed for either class.

40 Round Match, 10 Each at 200, 300, 385, and 500 meters.
No time limits.

.243 (6mm) Minimum Caliber;
You must use softpoint ammunition.
No FMJ, armor piercing, steel core, steel jacket, or tracer.

Entry: $12.00 per Person.

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