Mark your calendar for the weekend of March 25th and 26th, because you and your family won’t
want to miss the Arizona Game and Fish Department’s FREE Outdoor Expo at the Ben Avery
Shooting Facility in north Phoenix.
We need club members to come out to the Pistol Silhouette Range to help introduce the public
to the fun of shooting with .22 rifles on the pistol silhouette targets. This is one of the
public's favorite shooting venues at the entire event, which we have the privilege to host.
Mike Vore is coordinating this year’s effort. We need your support for coverage by
multiple club members for the whole weekend. We’re looking for members to volunteer
for at least one half-day shift on either day. Contact Mike so that he can coordinate
club volunteers.
Mike can be contacted at
The 2023 Game and Fish Expo offers something for everyone! It is a good environment to bring
your whole family!
Admission and parking is free.
For all the Game and Fish expo information, see:
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